
Ken is pragmatic, hard-working and wants to do what’s best for his family. He is someone who likes to make calculated decisions and measures success with clear results. With big plans for his young family’s future, Ken chose property investment as a way to get ahead. What Ken looks for in a property manager is someone who can help him maximise his investment. After spending time talking with Investment Services, he was not only reassured, but he also saw value in the brand and the competence and knowledge demonstrated by Leah Jay.

With two investment properties and his family home, Ken has a five-year plan to capitalise on his investments so his family is set up and he can live the good life.

Ken values the advice and knowledge of professionals, he is wary of the information that pops up on Google and says “I’m not a mechanic so I don’t fix my car. I get the professional to do it.” He has the same mindset with his investments.

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